Our Work

SORIN, the SOcial Responsibility INnovator, is dedicated to help foster the creation of an inclusive financial landscape that is, at its core, both responsible and profitable. Our first initiative is the SORIN Gap Fund launched to provide impactful relief to individuals and families.

The Gap Fund Safety Net

A revolutionary, crowdfunded bridge for the gaps left by traditional insurance coverage.


Let Us Help You

We at SORIN recognize that it is hard working middle class Americans who suffer the most from the injustices and gaps of the financial system.  We established SORIN to build a safety net for the middle class in more ways than one.  Share with us your stories about how financial gaps have impacted you or others in your network.  Tell us how we can make your life and world better through technology driven innovation #SORINhelps.


The Social Responsibility Innovators



Founders Message

What exactly is the American Dream? To me, growing up in Bucks County, Pennsylvania where I was surrounded by industrious neighbors, the American dream was the ethos that led to almost all my neighbors owning their homes, taking meticulous care of their lawns on the weekends and us kids having ...
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Promise, I Won’t Try to be Authentic!

Insurance Dilemma